A genuine Silicon Valley Web Flyer | One line of code at a time...

In 2009, I resolve to…

Be healthier. This will be the hardest one for me I think, so it goes at the top. I will eat better. That means no more fried foods or chicken wings. I will work out a lot. I’ve lost a lot of weight in the past, so I know that once you get in a routine, it’s easy. I will also visit the doctor and dentist in 2009. I will fix my high blood pressure.

Read more. This includes learning more. When school ends, you finally have a chance to learn what you want to, not what is taught to you. I will make sure I read at least one new book per month and learn about a new topic.

Blog more. This blog barely gets updated. My ZDNet blog isn’t much better.

Cook more. I’ve been a line cook at about 4 restaurants, but I have yet to use the kitchen in my SF apartment.

Spend less money, and save more. This one is huge. My finances do need a lot of work. I have a little bit of debt that I need to figure out and pay down. Some of it is college, and some is old credit card.

Be way more patient. This one is very hard for me. Using the Internet every day makes me want instant gratification for everything in life. When I am cruising around in a browser, at any time I can hit CMD + T and tab to Google and find any bit of information that my heart desires. I take it for granted sometimes. In ’09, I will be more patient with life.

Be more social. I would like to meet every single person who has ever been born.

Make my company better. As I sit here and write this, my dad is watching the NBC Nightly News. He regularly watches Marketwatch.com, a direct competitor to BNET (a site I work on every day). In the new year, I want to make my company stronger.

  • Your not really fulfilling your blogging more task. You haven't written a post in 3 months!
  • rookie
    hey why don't you make a new years resolution to fix the lakernoise blog? there are weird posts on there that are over a year old that must have been reorganized during the redesign, really confusing.
  • mager, I love your resolutions. they make for a healthier, happier, more informed life! best of luck in '09, hope to see you before I leave for london :)
  • Deaner
    You're missing: Be more bad ass.

    Also, I have a great recipe for Possum if you want it.
  • How can anyone be more social than you, Mager?
  • Mark Bate
    Nice list Andrew, thanks.
    Mine should probably be the same, with the addition of:
    # Try to spend more time in - I'm pretty much always out somewhere, which means I always grab junk food, I always end up spending money instead of saving, and I never really have time to read/study things or work on projects.

    All the best for 2009!
  • Andrew
    I'm stealing every one of these. :)
  • Andrew - These all seem great (well except for meeting every person ever born.... - I thought you already knew everyone!!) But seriously. All of these lead to living a life like it is not a dress rehearsal.. You are not practicing for something better. Make sure to enjoy 2009
  • Jennifer Kutz
    Funny, mine are almost all the same. I think the important (and crushingly time-intensive) part comes when you start breaking down the steps necessary to actually accomplish stuff. Good luck!
  • cooking more and saving money go together nicely. Making lunch for work saves so much money it's ridiculous
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