You cannot upload photos with the latest copy of iPhoto.
This really makes me mad. I like to upload my photos all the time, and I can’t use the easiest method anymore. I can’t even use the ActiveX plugin either…
I am stuck with the simple uploader, which only lets you upload five at a time. This could take forever.
You can’t block application requests from being sent to you.
I hate these a lot. I have removed friends because of this.
Sometimes when you clicking through a photo gallery, it will get stuck on a photo.
You have to refresh, and most of the time, it will lose your place. I don’t have a screenshot for this one, but it’s kinda annoying.
You can only message 20 people at once.
Why did Facebook make Friend Lists if you can only message 20 at once? Luckily, you can invite more than 20 people to an event, but wtf?
When you are very active on Facebook, your mini-feed gets chopped.
Not a big deal, but the mini-feed loses stories when you have written on a lot of walls, or added a bunch of people. Fix it!