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Real life advice

I dunno if this is really Kanye, but I believe it.

  • http://allantyoung.com Allan

    It sounds like Kanye West. He’s the best.

  • http://allantyoung.com Allan

    It sounds like Kanye West. He’s the best.

  • http://JunLoayza.com Jun Loayza

    For some reason this reminds me of a quote that I heard Michael Jordan say:

    “It doesn’t matter how hard you push along the way. It only matters if you have it in you to finish.”

    I feel that “hustle” is one of the most important words to live by. I’m trying to work my butt off everyday and will my startup to success. Thanks for sharing the great quote

    - Jun Loayza

  • http://JunLoayza.com Jun Loayza

    For some reason this reminds me of a quote that I heard Michael Jordan say:

    “It doesn’t matter how hard you push along the way. It only matters if you have it in you to finish.”

    I feel that “hustle” is one of the most important words to live by. I’m trying to work my butt off everyday and will my startup to success. Thanks for sharing the great quote

    - Jun Loayza

  • http://www.ewcss.com MOncler

    I'm trying to work my butt off everyday and will my startup to success. Thanks for sharing the great quote

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