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Learn SEO from a Google webmeister

Google is the first place many people go first when opening a web browser. It’s fast, reliable, and accurate. Search engine optimization could be the special sauce that makes or breaks your website. So let’s learn a little SEO from Google. Maile Ohye will be our driver. Crawling When you create a website, make it [...]

Marissa Mayer flexes Google’s imagination muscle

When you focus on the things people use every day, you solve big problems. iGoogle gadgets are a new form of advertising. The orginary and the every day. Occam’s razor for logic: the simplest answer is probably right. The Google homepage. Sergey created the original homepage. What inspired him to make it plain? “We didn’t [...]

Pownce has an AIM bot

I love using Pownce, but sometimes it’s pain to open up the web browser, or fire up AIR. I am on IM all the time, so this will be very easy to integrate. I was just thinking to myself today that I never get any replies on Pownce, but it’s because I rarely post. Well, [...]

Google I/O 2008 key[notes]

Vic Gundotra, VP of Engineering at Google. What does Google have to do with developers? At a very high level, Google cares about moving the web forward. Advancing it, is something we think is critical to the ecosystem. Do you have a cloud? I suspect not. At Google, we spend millions of millions of dollars [...]

My Facebook wish list

Dear Facebook, Before you launch your new redesign, consider the following improvements. They shouldn’t be hard to implement. Events tab. Facebook’s event application is great if you have large groups becuase you can message all members. Smaller app invite icons. Make the important icons (friend requests, event invites, photo tags) larger, and the developer app [...]