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Category Archives: Web 2.0

Three reasons why Brightkite will survive

It complements Twitter - It’s really easy to update BrightKite from the web, or your mobile device. It’s not a Twitter clone either. Twitter is the what, BrightKite is the where. It’s fun to see where your friends are. You can also embed photos in your posts, so it’s a rich experience.


Short attention span theatre

Micromedia is addicting to me. I can’t live without Twitter. At Web 2.0 Expo, the speakers of the “Short Attention Span Theatre: micromedia and microblogging”, you could follow , and your Twitter updates would show up on the screen.

The audience controls the session. You could also suggest topics or update the background image on the [...]

Cathy Brooks sneaks up on me

Social data, get in my belly

Joesph Smarr from Plaxo reminds me a of a preacher, but not a boring one. Someone who is passionate about integrating the web into the real world a lot better. Below are some notes from his speech at Web 2.0 Expo.

News is better when it’s social, with Digg.
Bookmarks are more fun when they’re social, with [...]

Comparing social platforms

Comparing Social Platforms

Dave Morin, Facebook
Allen Hurff, MySpace
Jessica Alter, Bebo
Patrock Chanezon, Google (Open Social)
David Recordon
Justin Smith, Inside Facebook

Dave: Making changes to the Facebook profile. It’s a core part of the user’s identity. Throughout the last year with the launch of the Platform, we have had many points of integration.
These new changes are focused on the actions [...]

My muxtape is ready

I have been playing with Muxtape for a few weeks now, but only today I am satisfied with my first tape.

Cyan had a shower thought about Muxtape: they should let you buy the songs through iTunes or something and give a profit to the artist.
Kinda cool. Beware, my muxtape may not be the kind of [...]

vpn service