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Category Archives: Information

Alpha-testing the new SocialThing

I had a chat with Matt Galligan at the Web 2.0 Expo about the new version of his social network aggregator SocialThing. And now, just a few weeks later, the alpha is up for QA.
The new SocialThing looks much more advanced than it’s rival FriendFeed.

The next generation of the site now groups all of your [...]

Pownce has an AIM bot

I love using Pownce, but sometimes it’s pain to open up the web browser, or fire up AIR.

I am on IM all the time, so this will be very easy to integrate. I was just thinking to myself today that I never get any replies on Pownce, but it’s because I rarely post. Well, Pownce [...]

Google I/O 2008 key[notes]

Vic Gundotra, VP of Engineering at Google.
What does Google have to do with developers?

At a very high level, Google cares about moving the web forward. Advancing it, is something we think is critical to the ecosystem.
Do you have a cloud? I suspect not.
At Google, we spend millions of millions of dollars on clouds. We can [...]

Three reasons why Brightkite will survive

It complements Twitter - It’s really easy to update BrightKite from the web, or your mobile device. It’s not a Twitter clone either. Twitter is the what, BrightKite is the where. It’s fun to see where your friends are. You can also embed photos in your posts, so it’s a rich experience.


The Truth According to Wikipedia

Media is changing so much.

Connected to every medium

The web allows us to keep in touch with our friends in so many ways today. When I log into Facebook, I am immediately greeted with a news feed of activity.

Users can update their status too. So whether you like it or not, you know what they are doing.

Twitter is only status:

A can also [...]

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