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Category Archives: Communication

Remember RocketMail? It’s back.

In 1997, RocketMail, not to be confused with the delivery of mail by rocket or missile, was a great email service, then Yahoo! snatched it up and killed it.

Well, 11 years later, you can sign up for a email address.

They also enabled ymail.com, which sounds like direct competition to Gmail.

I have [...]

Alpha-testing the new SocialThing

I had a chat with Matt Galligan at the Web 2.0 Expo about the new version of his social network aggregator SocialThing. And now, just a few weeks later, the alpha is up for QA.
The new SocialThing looks much more advanced than it’s rival FriendFeed.

The next generation of the site now groups all of your [...]

You can chat with strangers on the plane

I have flown Virgin America twice now and it’s incredible.
But I have never been able to use the chat application yet because most people do not want to talk with strangers. (I don’t understand why not?)
But last night, when I flew from SFO to SD, we had a ball in the chatroom. All complete strangers, [...]

Interpersonal Communication 2.0

By now, you are probably a master at IMing and chatting with friends online. You use AIM, YIM, Adium, and IRC. GChat and Facebook Chat work well in the browser, but there is chatter of a slimmer client, and it doesn’t go down every day like Twitter.

Welcome to Chatterous, the next generation of chatting on [...]

Three reasons why Brightkite will survive

It complements Twitter - It’s really easy to update BrightKite from the web, or your mobile device. It’s not a Twitter clone either. Twitter is the what, BrightKite is the where. It’s fun to see where your friends are. You can also embed photos in your posts, so it’s a rich experience.


My muxtape is ready

I have been playing with Muxtape for a few weeks now, but only today I am satisfied with my first tape.

Cyan had a shower thought about Muxtape: they should let you buy the songs through iTunes or something and give a profit to the artist.
Kinda cool. Beware, my muxtape may not be the kind of [...]

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