You spend less than $50 a month to use a high-speed internet connection.
You can spend $10 a month to get a dedicated host, and for another $4 a year, you can host your very own domain name.
Another $50 for a webcam, and you have a fully-functional TV station and “newspaper” for just a few hundred bucks a year. It is the complete opposite of the old media model. It seems technology is gettin cheaper and cheaper too.
Dreamhost allows you to install open source software like Wordpress, Gallery, MediaWiki, and phpBB with one click. And it’s free to host as many domains as you want. Flickr owns photos, and YouTube owns videos. And it’s all virtually free.
What I’m saying is, it’s easy to build any media platform on the web, and MAKE money on it with little effort.

A perfect example is Ms. iJustine. Her colleague Justin Kan has married the internet with live broadcasting, and you can watch them both 24/7. There is even a live chat, and people have started blogs following their every move. I’m not saying that this is hip right now, but it surely redefines personal publishing.
I am a big fan of lifecasting though, and I think it will be a trend in the next few years. I even considered wearing the monkey cam myself, but not for a while.
I have registered over 30 domain names, and barely have to pay anything for upkeep. This revolution is still low key, but web space is getting more valuable by the click. Have you scooped up your space?