This is a test post, Natali

posted by admin | March 28, 2009 – 7:15 am | Comments (2)

I wonder if I can import comments from to a self-hosted installation?

Charity Smackdown: Why I Got Involved

posted by admin | March 27, 2009 – 3:11 pm | Comments (2)

I was going to write a blog post about the Charity Smackdown but of course time got away from me this week. So I took a shortcut a made a video. Thank you to Mark Licea for editing and posting! Please take 1:31 minutes to watch this and spread it around as you see fit.

Also, follow me on Twitter to check the progress of the contest! Just go .

Thank you and namasté.

Blooper Reel Time

posted by admin | February 28, 2009 – 9:22 pm | Comments (1)

Every year CNET TV publishes blooper reels of all of our on-air personalities. While I am certainly not opposed to airing my foibles, as evidenced here and here, I am a little reluctant. I am always so afraid of being inappropriate but more often that not, I err on the side of authenticity. For better or for worse.

The CNET TV blooper reels started rolling in last week. First came Tom Merritt’s, then Molly Wood’s, Brian Cooley’s, and finally Brian Tong’s. I was afraid to see mine. You should be too. There is some really bad singing going down here. See for yourself:

While I am laid bare, I might as well admit that this blooper reel came at a time when I really needed to smile. I have made no secret of the fact that this has been a rough year. That is why I am grateful for this uncensored look at myself where I realize how much fun I’ve had this year. So what if I spent my Saturday night reading, doing my taxes, and watching You’ve Got Mail on Oxygen? That is probably how I’ll spend my Christmas given that I have to work on the Early Show and therefore won’t be going home to San Francisco for the holidays. I will ask Santa for a more social life in 2009. That and maybe a hairdresser in New York. My hair is really quite ridiculous.

Hello world!

posted by admin | April 15, 2007 – 10:25 pm | Comments (1)

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!