Ninjawords defines a vista as “a distant view or prospect, especially one seen through some opening; a site offering such a view”.
This operating system certainly looks beautiful. The Microsoft engineers have put a lot into the usability of Vista, and I’m sure that the visual appearance and feel of it will “wow” most novices, but I am satisfied with what I got.
For some reason, I stick with simplicity. Windows XP, even though it’s not the most advanced OS, still works well for me. I can ALT+TAB all I want, and it’s fast as cars.
This looks very cool, but I think Microsoft is still one step behind Google. They aren’t utilizing the power of the Internet. In my eyes, the perfect computer experience still revolves around the web browser. As a web developer, I get frustrated with the bugs associated with Internet Explorer. Even in its seventh edition, it’s still way behind others.
Multimedia is big today. The ability to add metadata to your photos is crucial. I think I will give Vista a shot… but I don’t wanna pay for it.
The term ubuntu, a South African ideology focusing on people’s allegiances and relations with each other, is also a free operating system based on linux. That, along with Mac OS X Leopard, and Google’s supposed OS, will definitely compete, and I am excited to witness it.